Keeping your stairlift running smoothly with these handy tips

Simple Maintenance Tips 

Having regular maintenance can prolong your stairlift lifespan, as well as save a potential costly repair if an issue is ignored. If you notice any changes in your stairlift please inform us as they may lead to future issues.

It is important to have regular upkeep on your stairlift, this ensures your lift is kept in the best working condition. To book a service or repair call Dolphin Stairlifts SW on 01363 776486, we recommend a lift is serviced annually.    

Keep an eye out for signs of damage

This can range from general wear & tear to accidental damage

Regularly clean down the stairlift

Ensure you wipe down the rail and seat with a damp cloth to clear any dirt or dust build up (do not use any harsh chemicals)

Keep the area clear

I.e. any obstructions on the stairs which could either stop or get caught in the lift

Keep the lift turned on at all times

Keeping the lift turned on guarantees the batteries continue to charge

If you are not using the lift, ensure you run the lift reguarly in order to maintain a working lift


01363 776486