Sustainability at Dolphin Stairlifts South West

Dolphin Stairlifts South West Sustainability Statement

At Dolphin Stairlifts South West we recognise the need to protect our planet and its resources for current and future generations. As we are committed to both our local and global communities, we are integrating sustainable practices into every aspect of our operations. Our mission is to lead by example, driving positive environmental and social impact while delivering exceptional products and services. Through innovation, collaboration, and responsible stewardship, we aspire to create a more sustainable business.

Carbon Reduction Agenda

Our office is in the process to use on-site solar energy and electric systems, entirely replacing our current use for fossil fuels.

We are supporting the ‘Moretrees’ tree planting projects by committing to planting a tree for every new installation of a stairlift.

We currently run 2 electric and 1 hybrid vehicle, and would be open to future options for our fleet vehicles where practical.

We currently, and will continue to use, a zero to landfill waste management company. We take the time to recycle all recyclable packaging and will continue to do so.

We pledge to continuously reflect on or companies’ overall approach to sustainability, including our sourcing and operations. We will continue to grow our community engagement, using local businesses wherever practical to do so, sponsoring local events, sports, and charities.

We will continue our journey to embed a more sustainable culture within the company, engaging staff, suppliers, and our customers through access to information, training and adhering to legal environmental standards and corporate governance.

We will continue to build upon our knowledge to measure our environmental impact and ensure effective sustainability at Dolphin Stairlifts South West .

Curious about who we are? Learn more about our family-run business and our commitment to providing exceptional service and sustainable solutions.

We invite you to view our range of products and discover how Dolphin Stairlifts South West can meet your needs while aligning with our sustainability efforts.

Devon countryside. sustainability initiatives at Dolphin Stairlifts